Sunday, 15 August 2010

Scotland for the Brave

For the last week I have been in Scotland at Stirling University for the UK Knit Camp and Ravelry weekend. You think that I would have enough of universities and should not be doing a busman's holiday to one. We are not staying on campus but in a self-catering farm stay about 15 minutes from the campus. This was a fortunate choice as I was able to get away from the chaotic mismanagement.

Highland Tartan 200gms
By being off campus I have been able to come down off the yarn fumes and the underlying tension that some campers have had due to the management issues. The week has been fabulous thanks to the effort of the tutors, volunteers and the participants who took the attitude well we are here so we will make the most of it. I have learnt lots and scored a couple of Shetland fleeces and met up with some of UK based Ravelry friends in person. I have been working diligently on my self imposed tour de fleece (Scotland) challenge and have managed to spin 1 kg in a week.

Gorse Honey 400 gms
This week of me in class meant the family can go and do activities I am not that interested in or where it would be an advantage not to take me. Thanks to many reasons I do not screen out sound very well and I can become overwhelmed by noise. I am a complete grumpy in crowds as I don't know who is talking to me and tend to start to panic. So now that I have been knit camping for a week I now have to be mum and tour the sites with the kids.

Bracken 100gms


  1. I love your spinning! It looks so nice. :)

  2. Thanks for liking my pretties. I am still a complete beginner.
