Sunday, 3 April 2011

What is my crafting time?

Well...  anytime I can get a chance. I am known at work for always having a knitting project in my bag.

Sock knitting project bag at work
I have different projects for the range of situations I encounter in my life. I have TV knitting. I have quiet without TV knitting (Lace). I have pick up and put down knitting or lets work like the clappers all out on a large projects.

Sock and coffee waiting for student.
If I want company when I want to knit at home I put on a DVD movie that I do not have to place attention to and work on my project. I may have a companion animal when I am knitting or crocheting. Dependant on the type of project I am working on will be the rationale for how long one of the animals says with me. The dog for some reason seems to think that sock knitting with five needles is just the absolute pits. I sort of understand why if you get a nose full of sharp double pointed needles poking into your face all the time.

What is so wrong with those double points?
I have projects for knit night or movies. I find the long boring stockingette backs for a large gorilla sized man's vest or jumper can just fly by in a good movie. Even in a bad movie my knitting helps stop me from killing the kid who picked the said movie and is loving it immensely.

Miles of stockingette
I used to go to a sewing session once a week and this was where I could cut out my sewing for the week which is great when the kids were little. I still like to make a couple of hours each week were I can potter in the coal shed and this may be just organising yarn for the various project bags for the different creative intervals in my week.  I find that without a daily session of crafting time where I am able to use my creative side that I become a difficult person to live with. Crafting helps with stress management and renewal of other parts of the brain so I can do problem solving.


  1. Crafting helps me deal with pain. Crafting is just the best!

  2. I find that crafting does help with the pain but I know I having a super bad day when I can even knit on a simple basic sock.

    Nessa I will but I have to finish a PDP essay and report first. I keep looking longingly at the knitting in the bag. If I get the next paragraph finished I can do x amount of rows. Can you tell I am rationing the knitting to encouraging the writing process?

  3. That is very smart to do certain kinds of knitting during particular types of media.

  4. I find that I can get a fair sized chunk on most of the husband's jumpers back pieces in a standard cinema movie. The last movie which was a little slow paced must have be a chick flick one of the other theatre goers commented that I was a fast knitter with how much I had got done since the start of the movie (waistband to armscye). Did not want to deflate him as it was 8mm needles and super bulky yarn?

  5. I have happily sat through more husband chosen bad movies with my knitting in hand. Knitting really makes so many bad things seem better.

  6. I just find I can not hack the action flicks too well with the loud noises and lights to make me jump. The last one like that I dropped to many stitches and I had to rip it back. But if it means that you dont commit a homicide with a circular needle it is all well and good in my book.
