Sunday, 17 April 2011

Palm Sunday

Well it is that time again... Time to get organised for Easter. I have to get the ingredients in for yeast items like Tsoureki and hot cross buns. We have to start the preparation of the celebratory feast that spring has arrived properly. It looks like daughter and son are on for the Lundy mass at the cathedral and hubby has had a great time running the adult Wednesday night Lenten study group. We have a new priest on the parish team and he just has not worked out our family yet. Sorry I don't need organised religion to recognise that there is a higher power in this world.


  1. Yeap I am seen as the heathen in the crowd as I dont need to be a member of an organised group and attend a "church". I was brought up in a mixed religion family so I slide easily between traditional beliefs, Asian traditions and religions, and various forms of Christianity.

    There is a higher power and she/he/they accept many forms of respect.

  2. Personally I believe we will be judged for our kindness to each other, not how many Sundays were spent in church.

  3. I am with you on that one. By being kind to others we are making an act of respect to the individual and to the wider world. I don't need to be seen in a church.
