Sunday, 20 June 2010

The countdown is on.

Life in this household for the last couple of weeks has been a case of tip toeing on egg shells around a teenage daughter, Ry, who has been stress out to the max with her GCSE exams.  This week is a count down week as we have two exams to go, her birthday and her graduation leavers dinner.

Knitting wise at the moment I am a little shawled/laced out so what did I cast on last Wednesday a lace cardi for daughter.  Rocks in my head.  Well at least there is a big stretch of stockingette as she is a bit of a stretch.  I had a skein of dark grey summer tweed from J's waistcoat. I had managed to get a couple more of the same dye lot just enough for a short sleeved Hey Teach.  It looks like I will cutting it fine.  I started with six skeins.  2 for the back, 1.5 for each front.  I have 1 skein left to do the two sleeves and the ribbon band.

So onwards  I go to do sleeves with lace....  Why am I doing this to myself lace and shaping must be cause I love the mumble mumble ruddy teenager.  I keep putting myself under stress through my repeated habit of short knitting deadline.  I have three days to get the rest of this garment done, sewnup and then wrapped for daughter's birthday on Wednesday.

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